Better Time Management for Your Business



Posted Jun 22, 2016 by: Ryan Veal

I've been helping business owners find better ways to manage their time for 10 years now. 

This is the most valuable lesson I've learned over those years:There are three key aspects to effective time management.

  • Personal organization
  • Keeping a list
  • Redefining what you do, as the business grows

Personal Organisation

Personal time management is closely related to how you manage the pieces of paper that land on yourdesk.  The problem of paper is basically one of decision-making.  And that's where trouble begins -- “I'll think about that tomorrow.”

Solution: A system called TRAF.  For each piece of paper, choose one of the four TRAF options...

  • Toss it out there and then
  • Refer it to someone else to take care of the matter
  • Act on it yourself
  • File it in a convenient place for future action or reference.

With this system, you avoid the constant fire fighting that consumes the time of so many business owners.  When you deal with a problem as it comes up, you prevent important decisions from piling up to the point that you feel overwhelmed.

Give up the idea of private time during the workday, or at least reduce your expectation to no more than one hour a day.  As the head of a business operation, you must be available to handle questions or problems that arise anytime.

Learn to find a little time for your personal priorities by vanishing into an empty room in the office... or down the road for a coffee.

It may also be possible to get a little quiet time early in the morning.  After business hours in the evening is perfect.  And, of course, use your travel time for thinking, writing and reading.

To deal with telephone calls that cause constant interruptions, think of them as raindrops that keep the business blooming.  Don't let them bother you -- just keep them as short as possible.


Anyone who runs their own business has what seems like a million things going on at the same time -- some are inside your business, some outside.  With so much happening, it's easy to lose track of where you are.  Nothing is more embarrassing than to have a customer asking about something you've forgotten about. 

Solution: Create a simple form listing the name of the task... the initials of who is working on it... and the date of expected completion.  Also, you should break large or complicated jobs into pieces with checkpoints along the way.

Redefining Your Role

In the beginning, every business owner must take on many tasks, including even sweeping the floor.  But as the operation grows and matures, employing others to take on responsibilities becomes critical to healthy growth.

Trap: Failing to redefine continuously your changing role in the organization.  When that happens, you end up with much more than you're able to cope with.  If the process continues, physical symptoms such as stress... high blood pressure... can develop.

Solution: Take an honest look at your workload and identify tasks that you don't do well.  You may be digitally gifted but possess little financial savvy.  Or, you may be an excellent "people person" but hopelessly disorganized.

The real measure of a successful executive is in knowing when to complement his/her own skills by hiring others who can take over certain key roles.



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